Gratitude Day 6 — Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is only 21 days away. Images of food, parades, and football abound. Some stores for some reason don’t care about family they want to be open to try to get some money out of the consumer. They open early on Friday for what it’s called “Black Friday” My challenge for you this season is to have all your dinner shopping done before Wednesday the 25th of November. Thanksgiving is a time for celebration with family. I challenge you to stay home with family don’t go to any store on Thursday, if you aren’t there the stores have no reason to be open.

Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the any, you sluggard; consider its ways be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

A further challenge for you is to work on not keeping up with the “Jones”, not getting the latest and greatest, the new shiny object. This year focus on giving presence instead of presents. This season put down the screens and look up enjoy those who are around you. Be thankful for those around you. This year, for those hosting Thanksgiving dinner why not put a basket at the entrance with a sign that says “Today we are thankful for each other; we want to experience your presence with us today, please put your phone in the basket and come on in.