
The Power of Choices

When you examine life; it is a series of choices.  In this topic Ron addresses concerns of accountability in your choices. When you are more conscious of your choices you will be able to bring more control to your life. This talk speaks to accountability and how to stop blaming others when things go wrong.  Ron is a firm believer that one steps are ordered if one pays attention.  Each of us has a purpose if we pay attention we get to the purpose sooner.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes an event keeps presenting itself? How do you handle it? Do you do the same thing you have done in the past or do you give it a little more attention? He has delivered this talk to his oldest son almost daily.

Here’s what you will learn:

-More conscious of choices made

-Don’t get stuck in past patterns

-Simple is better

The Why of Goals The 5 Myths of Goal Settings

Ever wonder why some are able to reach their goals while others struggle?  In this talk Ron examines some of the bigger myths of Goal setting and how to get laser focused on reaching those goals that you really want to.  Goals are not obtainable by choice but by decision.  Your choice is to decide do you want it bad enough.

Here’s what you will learn:

-Overcoming analysis paralysis

-Plan everything out in detail

-Do or Do not there is no try

-Going from Point A to Point B may not always be a straight line

The  Minimalist Mentality

Every day we are challenged by the clutter of our minds and our environment.  Sometimes we have to press pause and examine what is around us and strip away the clutter. Out of this Chaos will come order but you have to start by learning to let go. In this talk Ron helps us to understand that sometimes the best things in life is to simplify by stripping away all the noise and finding the essence of what we are seeking.

By making life simpler we reduce the clutter in our minds and our environment, but it starts with a mindset in this topic Ron will help you.

Here’s what you will learn:

-Start by letting go

-Establish the mindset of the Minimalist

-Identify areas that are filled with clutter

-3 questions to ask yourself when trying to clear up the area