Take time to press the Pause Button on Life

There never seems to be enough time in the day. We rush here we rush there and for what? Higher blood pressure, greater stress lower melatonin in our hair it is time to hit pause. So many burn the candle on both ends, press pause. Take time for you. Reflect on where you have been are you moving in the direction that you want? If you are not then perhaps you should ask yourself where I want to be. Then look into the ultimate life map it is a Book I Believe Lives for Everyone. There is a life plan for each of us some of us are able to move in a fairly straight line while most of us look like the map in Family Circus. Life is about learning experiences, when the lesson is done move on, unless you don’t believe you learned enough then repeat but if you are repeating a lesson ask yourself why it needed to be repeated. We get stuck in patterns and the only way out is to ask for help.