If you are not making progress make a change

OK it has been a while I am slowly making progress on my goal to lose weight but it hasn’t been easy. I currently have two trainers one by the name of Drew over at Elite Fitness Training in Tulsa, he is working with my wife and I to get our bodies moving. Of course we are only working with him twice a week, but we want to make more progress so we also joined Planet Fitness, the membership is very affordable and they offer a free trainer, we are working with Jordan there we are making progress but very slowly; the question then comes up what kind of fuel are you using in your machine. Huh, what kind of fuel are feeding yourself, think of your body as an engine are you giving yourself good food or bad food? We examined our eating habits and like most have a very hectic schedule and weren’t eating properly so we decided to try something very different. We decided to explore using a personal chef to help us change our diet, to a more whole food plant based diet. We found a chef Preston who runs Preston cooks for You, I chatted with him on what we were wanting to accomplish.

He sent over a few meal ideas and I had them prepare them for us. Wanda is not a big fan of asparagrass and really doesn’t like eggplant. To be perfectly honest she really would not eat vegetables. Preston has really changed her mind she is loving the new foods of course this is very new to us but for me I am already noticing a difference on the scale.

If you aren’t making progress in where you want to go take a step back and ask what can I do different that could get me the results.

If you are struggling with an issue in your life and you have difficulty in finding your path let me know write a comment in the comment field below, I am working on some new material and I think it just might help you. In the next few days we will be starting a new year, a chance for a new beginning doesn’t have to start with a new year but it does have to start with you. Let me know what your thoughts are…