Gratitude Day 3 — Finding Wisdom

My eyes have opened, I am still alive; thank you God for giving me another day. Each day becomes better because of you God. Today I have the pleasure of doing Quality Control inspections for a handful of our field techs. We have had quite a few new ones come on line so I have been asked to follow-up on their work. I am given a list of all their previous days work and then I get to chose which jobs I go visit. It is great to be able to pick where I want to be.

Proverbs 3:13-15 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding; for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her.

The best way to understand Wisdom is to understand that it is a continuous practice using critical thought. I learned a long time to not say “God give me wisdom” his response is always several exercises where you are going why? His response is “Child you asked for wisdom, I gave you homework to practice on; keep track of your lessons learned so that you may not repeat it; if you really want to pay attention watch how someone else deals with a similar problem and learn from their mistakes.