Gratitude Day 29 — Discipline

One of the hardest habits to get into is becoming disciplined. When I got ready for surgery back in September I let go of a discipline that helped me get back to where I wanted to be, the discipline of working out regularly. I got lazy kept eating at the same pace I was when I was working out and guess what I gained back most of what I had lost. I started getting back on my diet and in two days I will be getting with my trainer and Chris and we are going to refocus and get this back off. The hard part is we are in the holiday season with food galore. Although I work with a trainer twice a week. I am going to be working out 6 times a week. For the entire month of December, I want to lose what I gained back in December. Next month I will not only be working on the discipline of getting back in shape but I am also developing a new product that is going to help others work on accountability and becoming more focused. For the month of December I encourage you to become more disciplined and paying in cash and not using credit. Be mindful of those around you and enjoy the season. I am thankful that you have been with me on this journey. I can tell you it has been difficult to post everyday. So next month I am planning on just doing the Monday MoJo.