Gratitude Day 17 – Use of words with restraint

While reading the today’s proverb, I chose to highlight the couple of verses that I have the most trouble with and as we get closer to the holiday season. Last night I delivered a speech titled “Choices are”; there will be increased traffic in the coming days as more people decide they want to spend money they don’t have to impress their neighbors and buy their children’s affection. The focus becomes less on the celebration but more on the consumption. Last night during Table Topics ™ one of the questions was about the upcoming “Black Friday” the respondent simply said “I am not into it, why wait in some line for hours to save a few dollars. Why not spend time with those who matter now. I read a note the other day that said “enjoy the moment; it is the only one that is guaranteed; for you do not even know if the next breath is yours.” Proverbs 17:27-28. A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue. My challenge for you for next weekend is to stay home and not go out. Spend time with family. Put away the cell phones and actually have a conversation with your family.