Gratitude Day 12 – Discipline and Stupidity

As I saw today’s Proverb I just had to put together some things I have learned in the past and bring it forward to today. When I was growing up and was in school there was to forms of discipline. The first discipline was to buckle down and study do the course work and show proper respect to the adults around me. The second discipline was what was referred to corporal punishment, if you acted stupid in class there would be consequences. To be perfectly honest it took more than once to have the experience before I finally learned that it would be better to do my course work and show respect to my elders. The past few days I have seen video of kids in open defiance of adults not showing respect and I have to wonder where has the discipline gone, who is responsible for the actions of these children; I am thankful that I had loving parents that disciplined me and showed me love today’s Proverbs verse is Proverbs 12-1 Whoever love s discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Today I would like to share just 3 keys to embracing discipline.

  • Understand you are not always the expert; be coachable. Discipline is asking for advice and following it. Don’t fall into the trap that you have to know everything. Surround yourself with those who are able to help raise you up.
  • Take time to breathe before you say something stupid. There seems to be a disconnect between the thought processes of the brain and the little muscle in your mouth called the tongue. Take a breathe and focus on the words you want to deliver before you speak those words. In other words engage the brain before the mouth.
  • Find the joy in everything. So many focus on the negatives in life. What I have found is when I focus on what is going wrong in my life, I seem to get more of it. You get what you focus on so find the golden nuggets those lessons learned and focus on those in time the positive energy will overcome the negative in your life.

Ron Olsen

Christian Life Coach