
DistractionsHave you ever had something you really needed to get done but things just seem to keep happening to prevent you from getting things done? This has been me for the past few weeks knowing that there were events that I needed to get done but still having problems getting er done.  Articles need to be written, product needing to be developed. Phone call about an armed robbery (big distraction) Ok calm the child down get child to counseling 14 hour work days the next 2 days OK we can do this I am off on Wednesday I will get this all done by the Thursday deadline I am sitting at the computer getting ready to write; I hear the wind pick up, the dogs are out; I call the dogs in as the last dog gets in the house a large limb comes flying across the yard and wipes out the storage shed. Just then the lights go out then back on off on off on please please off almost 24 hours later and still off. Picked up lots of limbs and debris from the yard while there was light but there is still work that needs to be done.

Here I am at McDonalds trying to crank out work and really going nowhere fast.

Lessons learned:

Do not put off for tomorrow what should have been done today for tomorrow the power may not be back on.

Create a list of ideas and put them on paper (in case you don’t have power you can reference the notes; also don’t count solely on electronics after a few hours the batteries will die)…

The bright point of the storm was I was already planning on getting rid of the shed I had been putting energy on simplifying life by getting rid of clutter the shed was empty except for the bikes so now I won’t have to worry about having to cart of the shed the city will carry it off for me in the debris.

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  1. The only way to perfect anything is to practice. Practice and get feedback those are the keys to perfection. If you are wanting to learn communication and leadership skills the best way to learn and practice is to find a local Toastmasters Club.

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