Inch by Inch

I remember when a friend sent me an email wanting me to check out her new calendar on decluttering. I was between gigs at the time so I downloaded the calendar and in 2 days I knocked out the first quarter of the year. I came up with all sorts of excess I wanted to get rid of. Had a yard sale and was selling by the box load (didn’t check all the boxes; wife still gets upset sometimes).

When you are working on simplifying things in your life keep in mind what works for one might not work right for you; there is no hard and fast rule.  At one time I thought life would be so simple once I had everything on my smart phone… I am working on scaling some items back. In the coming months I will be getting a regular cell phone (phone calls and text), moving more items over to a tablet (easier to read and work with)… Keeping a few composition note books around with pens (you never know when the power might go out and for how long; batteries only last so long)

Remember don’t go overboard on reducing clutter, it may cause a vacuum void and you will find what you got rid of has doubled in its place.